getblockstats (4.1.2 RPC) blockchain getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockfilter getblockhash getblockheader getblockstats getchaintips getchaintxstats getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo preciousblock pruneblockchain savemempool scantxoutset verifychain verifytxoutproof control getmemoryinfo getrpcinfo help logging stop uptime generating generate generatetoaddress generatetodescriptor governance getgovernanceinfo getsuperblockbudget masternodelist mnsync sentinelping spork voteraw governancewallet gobject masternode masternodebroadcast mining createauxblock getauxblock getblocktemplate getmininginfo getnetworkhashps prioritisetransaction submitauxblock submitblock submitheader network addnode clearbanned disconnectnode getaddednodeinfo getconnectioncount getnettotals getnetworkinfo getnodeaddresses getpeerinfo listbanned ping setban setnetworkactive rawtransactions analyzepsbt combinepsbt combinerawtransaction converttopsbt createpsbt createrawtransaction decodepsbt decoderawtransaction decodescript finalizepsbt fundrawtransaction getrawtransaction joinpsbts sendrawtransaction signrawtransactionwithkey testmempoolaccept utxoupdatepsbt syscoin addressbalance assetallocationbalance assetallocationbalances assetallocationinfo assetallocationverifyzdag assetinfo convertaddress getblockhashbytxid listassetallocationmempoolbalances listassetallocations listassetindex listassetindexallocations listassetindexassets listassets syscoincheckmint syscoinclearethheaders syscoindecoderawtransaction syscoingetspvproof syscoingettxroot syscoinsetethheaders syscoinsetethstatus syscoinstartgeth syscoinstopgeth tpstestadd tpstestinfo tpstestsetenabled syscoinwallet assetallocationburn assetallocationlock assetallocationmint assetallocationsend assetallocationsendmany assetnew assetsend assetsendmany assettransfer assetupdate convertaddresswallet sendfrom syscoinburntoassetallocation util createmultisig deriveaddresses estimatesmartfee getdescriptorinfo signmessagewithprivkey validateaddress verifymessage wallet abandontransaction abortrescan addmultisigaddress backupwallet bumpfee createwallet dumpprivkey dumpwallet encryptwallet getaddressesbylabel getaddressinfo getbalance getbalances getnewaddress getrawchangeaddress getreceivedbyaddress getreceivedbylabel gettransaction getunconfirmedbalance getwalletinfo importaddress importmulti importprivkey importprunedfunds importpubkey importwallet keypoolrefill listaddressgroupings listlabels listlockunspent listreceivedbyaddress listreceivedbylabel listsinceblock listtransactions listunspent listwalletdir listwallets loadwallet lockunspent removeprunedfunds rescanblockchain sendmany sendtoaddress sethdseed setlabel settxfee setwalletflag signmessage signrawtransactionwithwallet unloadwallet walletcreatefundedpsbt walletlock walletpassphrase walletpassphrasechange walletprocesspsbt zmq getzmqnotifications getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats ) Compute per block statistics for a given window. All amounts are in satoshis. It won't work for some heights with pruning. Arguments: 1. hash_or_height (string or numeric, required) The block hash or height of the target block 2. stats (json array, optional, default=all values) Values to plot (see result below) [ "height", (string) Selected statistic "time", (string) Selected statistic ... ] Result: { (json object) "avgfee": xxxxx, (numeric) Average fee in the block "avgfeerate": xxxxx, (numeric) Average feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) "avgtxsize": xxxxx, (numeric) Average transaction size "blockhash": xxxxx, (string) The block hash (to check for potential reorgs) "feerate_percentiles": [ (array of numeric) Feerates at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentile weight unit (in satoshis per virtual byte) "10th_percentile_feerate", (numeric) The 10th percentile feerate "25th_percentile_feerate", (numeric) The 25th percentile feerate "50th_percentile_feerate", (numeric) The 50th percentile feerate "75th_percentile_feerate", (numeric) The 75th percentile feerate "90th_percentile_feerate", (numeric) The 90th percentile feerate ], "height": xxxxx, (numeric) The height of the block "ins": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of inputs (excluding coinbase) "maxfee": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum fee in the block "maxfeerate": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) "maxtxsize": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum transaction size "medianfee": xxxxx, (numeric) Truncated median fee in the block "mediantime": xxxxx, (numeric) The block median time past "mediantxsize": xxxxx, (numeric) Truncated median transaction size "minfee": xxxxx, (numeric) Minimum fee in the block "minfeerate": xxxxx, (numeric) Minimum feerate (in satoshis per virtual byte) "mintxsize": xxxxx, (numeric) Minimum transaction size "outs": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of outputs "subsidy": xxxxx, (numeric) The block subsidy "swtotal_size": xxxxx, (numeric) Total size of all segwit transactions "swtotal_weight": xxxxx, (numeric) Total weight of all segwit transactions divided by segwit scale factor (4) "swtxs": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of segwit transactions "time": xxxxx, (numeric) The block time "total_out": xxxxx, (numeric) Total amount in all outputs (excluding coinbase and thus reward [ie subsidy + totalfee]) "total_size": xxxxx, (numeric) Total size of all non-coinbase transactions "total_weight": xxxxx, (numeric) Total weight of all non-coinbase transactions divided by segwit scale factor (4) "totalfee": xxxxx, (numeric) The fee total "txs": xxxxx, (numeric) The number of transactions (excluding coinbase) "utxo_increase": xxxxx, (numeric) The increase/decrease in the number of unspent outputs "utxo_size_inc": xxxxx, (numeric) The increase/decrease in size for the utxo index (not discounting op_return and similar) } Examples: > syscoin-cli getblockstats 1000 '["minfeerate","avgfeerate"]' > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblockstats", "params": [1000 '["minfeerate","avgfeerate"]'] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'