masternodelist ( "mode" "filter" )
Get a list of masternodes in different modes
Available modes:
activeseconds - Print number of seconds masternode recognized by the network as enabled
(since latest issued "masternode start/start-many/initialize")
addr - Print ip address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered, partial match)
daemon - Print daemon version of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)
full - Print info in format 'status protocol payee lastseen activeseconds lastpaidtime lastpaidblock IP pingretries'
(can be additionally filtered, partial match)
info - Print info in format 'status protocol payee lastseen activeseconds sentinelversion sentinelstate IP pingretries'
(can be additionally filtered, partial match)
json - Print info in JSON format (can be additionally filtered, partial match)
lastpaidblock - Print the last block height a node was paid on the network
lastpaidtime - Print the last time a node was paid on the network
lastseen - Print timestamp of when a masternode was last seen on the network
payee - Print Syscoin address associated with a masternode (can be additionally filtered,
partial match)
protocol - Print protocol of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)
pubkey - Print the masternode (not collateral) public key
rank - Print rank of a masternode based on current block
sentinel - Print sentinel version of a masternode (can be additionally filtered, exact match)
status - Print masternode status: PRE_ENABLED / ENABLED / NEW_START_REQUIRED /
UPDATE_REQUIRED / POSE_BAN / OUTPOINT_SPENT (can be additionally filtered, partial match)
1. mode (string, optional, default=json) The mode to run list in
2. filter (string, optional, default=) FIlter results. Partial match by outpoint by default in all modes; additional matches in some modes are also available
> syscoin-cli masternodelist
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "masternodelist", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'