listassetindex ( page ) [asset_guid,"address",...]
Scan through asset index and return paged results of historical asset transactions. Requires assetindex config parameter enabled and optional assetindexpagesize which is 25 by default.
1. page (numeric, optional, default=0) Return specific page number of transactions. Lower page number means more recent transactions.
2. options (json array, required) A json object with options to filter results
asset_guid, (numeric, required) Asset GUID to filter.
"address", (string) Address to filter. Leave empty to scan globally through asset
If address option was omitted and transactions for asset is requested[
"txtype": (string) The asset transaction type. One of 'assetactivate', 'assetupdate', or 'assettransfer'
"asset_guid": (numeric) The asset guid
"symbol": (string) The asset symbol
"txid": (string) The transaction id that created this asset
"height": (numeric) The height at which the transaction was confirmed
"public_value": (string) The public value attached to this asset. Only returned value was changed.
"sender": (string) The address that controls this asset
"contract": (string) The ethereum contract address. Only returned if value was changed.
"balance": (numeric) The current balance. Only exists if supply was changed.
"update_flag": (numeric) The flag in decimal. Only exists if value was changed.
"total_supply": (numeric) The total supply of this asset. Only exists for 'assetactivate' txtype.
"max_supply": (numeric) The maximum supply of this asset. Only exists for 'assetactivate' txtype.
"precision": (numeric) The precision of this asset. Only exists for 'assetactivate' txtype.
"blockhash": (string) Block hash that confirmed this transaction. Empty if not confirmed.
If address is included and transactions for asset allocation is requested[
"txtype": (string) The asset allocation transaction type. One of 'assetsend', 'assetallocationsend', 'assetallocationburntoethereum', 'assetallocationburntoethereum', 'assetallocationburntosyscoin', 'assetallocationmint', or 'assetallocationlock'
"asset_allocation": (string) The unique key for this allocation
"asset_guid": (numeric) The asset guid
"symbol": (string) The asset symbol
"txid": (string) The transaction id that created this asset
"height": (numeric) The height at which the transaction was confirmed
"sender": (string) The address that controls this asset allocation
"allocations" : [ (array of json objects)
"address": "address", (string) The address of the receiver
"amount" : n, (numeric) The amount of the transaction
"total": (numeric) The total amount of asset sent.
"blockhash": (string) Block hash that confirmed this transaction. Empty if not confirmed.
"ethereum_destination": (string) Destination ethereum address for moving over the bridge from sys to eth. Only exists for 'assetallocationburntoethereum' txtype.
"ethereum_contract": (string) Destination ethereum smart contract for moving over the bridge from sys to eth. Only exists for 'assetallocationburntoethereum' txtype.
"locked_outpoint": (string) The txid+output index pair locking this asset allocation to an outpoint for future transactions. Only exists for 'assetallocationlock' txtype.
> syscoin-cli listassetindex 0 '{"asset_guid":92922}'
> syscoin-cli listassetindex 2 '{"asset_guid":92922, "address":"sys1qw40fdue7g7r5ugw0epzk7xy24tywncm26hu4a7"}'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listassetindex", "params": [0, '{"asset_guid":92922}'] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listassetindex", "params": [2, '{"asset_guid":92922, "address":"sys1qw40fdue7g7r5ugw0epzk7xy24tywncm26hu4a7"}'] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'