syscoindecoderawtransaction "hexstring"
Decode raw syscoin transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) and display information pertaining to the service that is included in the transactiion data output(OP_RETURN)
1. hexstring (string, required) The transaction hex string.
"txtype" : "txtype", (string) The syscoin transaction type
"asset_guid" : n, (numeric) The asset guid
"symbol" : "symbol", (string) The asset symbol
"txid" : "id", (string) The transaction id
"height" : n, (numeric) The blockheight of the transaction
"sender" : "address", (string) The address of the sender
"allocations" : [ (array of json objects)
"address": "address", (string) The address of the receiver
"amount" : n, (numeric) The amount of the transaction
"total" : n, (numeric) The total amount in this transaction
"confirmed" : true|false (boolean) If the transaction is confirmed
> syscoin-cli syscoindecoderawtransaction "hexstring"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "syscoindecoderawtransaction", "params": ["hexstring"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'