assetallocationmint asset_guid "address" amount blocknumber "tx_hex" "txroot_hex" "txmerkleproof_hex" "merklerootpath_hex" "receipt_hex" "receiptroot_hex" "receiptmerkleproof_hex" ( "witness" )
Mint assetallocation to come back from the bridge
1. asset_guid (numeric, required) Asset guid
2. address (string, required) Mint to this address.
3. amount (numeric or string, required) Amount of asset to mint. Note that fees (in SYS) will be taken from the owner address
4. blocknumber (numeric, required) Block number of the block that included the burn transaction on Ethereum.
5. tx_hex (string, required) Transaction hex.
6. txroot_hex (string, required) The transaction merkle root that commits this transaction to the block header.
7. txmerkleproof_hex (string, required) The list of parent nodes of the Merkle Patricia Tree for SPV proof of transaction merkle root.
8. merklerootpath_hex (string, required) The merkle path to walk through the tree to recreate the merkle hash for both transaction and receipt root.
9. receipt_hex (string, required) Transaction Receipt Hex.
10. receiptroot_hex (string, required) The transaction receipt merkle root that commits this receipt to the block header.
11. receiptmerkleproof_hex (string, required) The list of parent nodes of the Merkle Patricia Tree for SPV proof of transaction receipt merkle root.
12. witness (string, optional, default="") Witness address that will sign for web-of-trust notarization of this transaction.
"hex": "hexstring" (string) the unsigned transaction hexstring.
> syscoin-cli assetallocationmint "assetguid" "address" "amount" "blocknumber" "tx_hex" "txroot_hex" "txmerkleproof_hex" "txmerkleproofpath_hex" "receipt_hex" "receiptroot_hex" "receiptmerkleproof" "witness"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "assetallocationmint", "params": ["assetguid", "address", "amount", "blocknumber", "tx_hex", "txroot_hex", "txmerkleproof_hex", "txmerkleproofpath_hex", "receipt_hex", "receiptroot_hex", "receiptmerkleproof", ""] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'