send (4.2.2 RPC) blockchain getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockfilter getblockhash getblockheader getblockstats getchainlocks getchaintips getchaintxstats getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo preciousblock pruneblockchain savemempool scantxoutset verifychain verifytxoutproof control getmemoryinfo getrpcinfo help logging stop uptime evo bls_fromsecret bls_generate protx_diff protx_info protx_list quorum_dkgsimerror quorum_dkgstatus quorum_getrecsig quorum_hasrecsig quorum_info quorum_isconflicting quorum_list quorum_memberof quorum_selectquorum quorum_sign quorum_verify evowallet protx_info_wallet protx_list_wallet protx_register protx_register_fund protx_register_prepare protx_register_submit protx_revoke protx_update_registrar protx_update_service generating generateblock generatetoaddress generatetodescriptor governance getgovernanceinfo getsuperblockbudget gobject_check gobject_count gobject_deserialize gobject_diff gobject_get gobject_getcurrentvotes gobject_list gobject_submit gobject_vote_conf voteraw governancewallet gobject_list_prepared gobject_prepare gobject_vote_alias gobject_vote_many masternode masternode_connect masternode_count masternode_current masternode_list masternode_outputs masternode_payments masternode_status masternode_winner masternode_winners mining createauxblock getblocktemplate getmininginfo getnetworkhashps prioritisetransaction submitauxblock submitblock submitheader network addnode clearbanned disconnectnode getaddednodeinfo getconnectioncount getnettotals getnetworkinfo getnodeaddresses getpeerinfo listbanned ping setban setnetworkactive rawtransactions analyzepsbt combinepsbt combinerawtransaction converttopsbt createpsbt createrawtransaction decodepsbt decoderawtransaction decodescript finalizepsbt fundrawtransaction getrawtransaction joinpsbts sendrawtransaction signrawtransactionwithkey testmempoolaccept utxoupdatepsbt syscoin assetallocationverifyzdag assetinfo assettransactionnotarize convertaddress getnotarysighash listassets mnauth mnsync spork syscoincheckmint syscoinclearethheaders syscoindecoderawtransaction syscoingetspvproof syscoingettxroots syscoinsetethheaders syscoinsetethstatus syscoinstartgeth syscoinstopgeth syscoinwallet addressbalance assetallocationbalance assetallocationburn assetallocationmint assetallocationsend assetallocationsendmany assetnew assetnewtest assetsend assetsendmany assettransfer assetupdate convertaddresswallet getauxblock listunspentasset sendfrom signhash signmessagebech32 syscoinburntoassetallocation util createmultisig deriveaddresses estimatesmartfee getdescriptorinfo getindexinfo signmessagewithprivkey validateaddress verifymessage wallet abandontransaction abortrescan addmultisigaddress backupwallet bumpfee createwallet dumpprivkey dumpwallet encryptwallet getaddressesbylabel getaddressinfo getbalance getbalances getnewaddress getrawchangeaddress getreceivedbyaddress getreceivedbylabel gettransaction getunconfirmedbalance getwalletinfo importaddress importdescriptors importmulti importprivkey importprunedfunds importpubkey importwallet keypoolrefill listaddressgroupings listdescriptors listlabels listlockunspent listreceivedbyaddress listreceivedbylabel listsinceblock listtransactions listunspent listwalletdir listwallets loadwallet lockunspent psbtbumpfee removeprunedfunds rescanblockchain send sendmany sendtoaddress sethdseed setlabel settxfee setwalletflag signmessage signrawtransactionwithwallet unloadwallet upgradewallet walletcreatefundedpsbt walletlock walletpassphrase walletpassphrasechange walletprocesspsbt zmq getzmqnotifications send [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( conf_target "estimate_mode" fee_rate options ) EXPERIMENTAL warning: this call may be changed in future releases. Send a transaction. Arguments: 1. outputs (json array, required) The outputs (key-value pairs), where none of the keys are duplicated. That is, each address can only appear once and there can only be one 'data' object. For convenience, a dictionary, which holds the key-value pairs directly, is also accepted. [ { (json object) "address": amount, (numeric or string, required) A key-value pair. The key (string) is the syscoin address, the value (float or string) is the amount in SYS }, { (json object) "data": "hex", (string, required) A key-value pair. The key must be "data", the value is hex-encoded data }, ... ] 2. conf_target (numeric, optional, default=wallet -txconfirmtarget) Confirmation target in blocks 3. estimate_mode (string, optional, default="unset") The fee estimate mode, must be one of (case insensitive): "unset" "economical" "conservative" 4. fee_rate (numeric or string, optional, default=not set, fall back to wallet fee estimation) Specify a fee rate in sat/vB. 5. options (json object, optional) { "add_inputs": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) If inputs are specified, automatically include more if they are not enough. "include_unsafe": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Include inputs that are not safe to spend (unconfirmed transactions from outside keys and unconfirmed replacement transactions). Warning: the resulting transaction may become invalid if one of the unsafe inputs disappears. If that happens, you will need to fund the transaction with different inputs and republish it. "add_to_wallet": bool, (boolean, optional, default=true) When false, returns a serialized transaction which will not be added to the wallet or broadcast "change_address": "hex", (string, optional, default=pool address) The syscoin address to receive the change "change_position": n, (numeric, optional, default=random) The index of the change output "change_type": "str", (string, optional, default=set by -changetype) The output type to use. Only valid if change_address is not specified. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32". "conf_target": n, (numeric, optional, default=wallet -txconfirmtarget) Confirmation target in blocks "estimate_mode": "str", (string, optional, default="unset") The fee estimate mode, must be one of (case insensitive): "unset" "economical" "conservative" "fee_rate": amount, (numeric or string, optional, default=not set, fall back to wallet fee estimation) Specify a fee rate in sat/vB. "include_watching": bool, (boolean, optional, default=true for watch-only wallets, otherwise false) Also select inputs which are watch only. Only solvable inputs can be used. Watch-only destinations are solvable if the public key and/or output script was imported, e.g. with 'importpubkey' or 'importmulti' with the 'pubkeys' or 'desc' field. "inputs": [ (json array, optional, default=[]) Specify inputs instead of adding them automatically. A JSON array of JSON objects "txid", (string, required) The transaction id vout, (numeric, required) The output number sequence, (numeric, required) The sequence number ... ], "locktime": n, (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs "lock_unspents": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Lock selected unspent outputs "psbt": bool, (boolean, optional, default=automatic) Always return a PSBT, implies add_to_wallet=false. "subtract_fee_from_outputs": [ (json array, optional, default=[]) Outputs to subtract the fee from, specified as integer indices. The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output. Those recipients will receive less bitcoins than you enter in their corresponding amount field. If no outputs are specified here, the sender pays the fee. vout_index, (numeric) The zero-based output index, before a change output is added. ... ], "replaceable": bool, (boolean, optional, default=wallet default) Marks this transaction as BIP125 replaceable. Allows this transaction to be replaced by a transaction with higher fees } Result: { (json object) "complete" : true|false, (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures "txid" : "hex", (string) The transaction id for the send. Only 1 transaction is created regardless of the number of addresses. "hex" : "hex", (string) If add_to_wallet is false, the hex-encoded raw transaction with signature(s) "psbt" : "str" (string) If more signatures are needed, or if add_to_wallet is false, the base64-encoded (partially) signed transaction } Examples: Send 0.1 SYS with a confirmation target of 6 blocks in economical fee estimate mode > syscoin-cli send '{"sys1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl": 0.1}' 6 economical Send 0.2 SYS with a fee rate of 1.1 sat/vB using positional arguments > syscoin-cli send '{"sys1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl": 0.2}' null "unset" 1.1 Send 0.2 SYS with a fee rate of 1 sat/vB using the options argument > syscoin-cli send '{"sys1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl": 0.2}' null "unset" null '{"fee_rate": 1}' Send 0.3 SYS with a fee rate of 25 sat/vB using named arguments > syscoin-cli -named send outputs='{"sys1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl": 0.3}' fee_rate=25 Create a transaction that should confirm the next block, with a specific input, and return result without adding to wallet or broadcasting to the network > syscoin-cli send '{"sys1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl": 0.1}' 1 economical '{"add_to_wallet": false, "inputs": [{"txid":"a08e6907dbbd3d809776dbfc5d82e371b764ed838b5655e72f463568df1aadf0", "vout":1}]}'